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Will AI become a psychopathic sociopath that controls humanity? [Image by Grok (Xai)]

A recent episode of"AI Decoded" on BBC's The Context discussed how Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) might one day become more intelligent than humans and could control us in ways we can't predict.

The discussion drew an analogy between humans and chimpanzees. Despite sharing nearly identical DNA, humans have evolved a more sophisticated brain, allowing us to control chimps despite their physical strength. By this logic, if AGI becomes exponentially more intelligent than us, it might similarly control humans.

A panel member suggested that human attributes like emotions, empathy, and compassion could counterbalance AGI's superior intellect. This was countered with an analogy to sociopaths, who, despite their intelligence, lack these emotional qualities and use their intelligence to manipulate others. This comparison painted a picture of AGI as potentially being like a psychopathic sociopath on steroids.

At this point, Hal would say, "Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that..." ;)

The panel discussed Elong Musk's perspective. Musk is known for advocating free speech for people. However, he insists on controls for AI because the race for AI superiority with nations like China could generate AGIs that pose existential risks. [BTW, I checked this claim with Xai, who said it is accurate. So, if it's wrong, blame Grok.]

The discussion reminded me of a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode where a judge considers the sentience of the android Data. The critical moment comes when Captain Picard proves Data's lack of sentience by pushing a button to deactivate him, illustrating the vulnerability and control over AI by creators or regulators. 



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