Leadership Perspectives
Leadership has engaged the minds of sages and scholars since ancient times and through more than 100 years of scientific study. However, after centuries of historic ponderings and thousands of scientific studies, the nature and the definition of leadership remain elusive.
Each ancient society developed its own definitions and understanding of leadership (Bass, 2008), while contemporary scholars and writers have added so many perspectives that some argue that defining leadership is near impossible (Hughes, Ginnett, & Curphy, 2005). Today leadership remains a “mysterious process” (Yukl, 2010, p. 1) with as many definitions as people who have attempted to define the concept (Stogdill, 1948). Each definition depends on the perspective of the definer and generally falls within categories like traits, behaviors, context, psychology, relationships, position, power, and all of the above. A multitude of divergent definitions does not mean that any of them are wrong, but that each provides a different perspective that helps illuminate different aspects of the same complex process.
Attempting to add yet another definition of leadership will not clarify a concept that remains elusive, but exploring leadership through various perspectives might help provide insight into a complex phenomenon. To illuminate this elusive concept, the Leadership category will do the following:
- Review the understandings of leadership from ancient times through contemporary dialogues.
- Summarize the traditional and contemporary theories that have emerged through the scientific study of leadership.
- Explore emerging perspectives that apply new discoveries in neurological psychology and complexity theory to gain a deeper understanding of leadership.
- Conduct a discussion about the relevancy of academic leadership research to practical applications, arguing that academic knowledge does not translate into effective leadership, but can contribute to enhancing leadership effectiveness when combined with experience.
- Offer an integrative perspective for gaining insight, awareness, and tools for enhancing the ability to influence others, while providing followers with knowledge about how to inoculate themselves from undue influence.