Adult Learning and Development CenterTranscending potential through academic and professional development

Team Hachi Project found that students can increase performance through team learning

Despite a culture with cooperation as a core value, Japanese higher education generally uses rigid lecture-test teaching models that neither support nor condone small-group learning methods in the classroom. As a result, Japanese college students usually work outside the classroom to develop the collaborative skills necessary to contribute effectively at work and in society.

To assess the viability of team learning methods foreign to Japanese higher education, a mixed methods action study project was conducted with remedial students in a Japanese college. Called Team Hachi Project, the research found support for the assumption that Japanese college students could increase academic learning and performance through interdependent learning methods.

In addition, Team Hachi Project found the following:

  • Group gains can be at the expense of individual accomplishment; however, equitable practices and effective leadership can foster high levels of satisfaction for high-performing individuals in small-group learning environments.
  • Strong barriers inhibit the viability of team learning in the college classroom, including traditional context, static method, and lecture-bound instructors.


Also available at no cost to researchers and university personal who subscribe to ProQuest research database.

Assessment Conference Resources


Using collaborative action research and assessment methods to build a high-performance learning system that fosters student success

Fielding Graduate University Research Research Poster Session, July 15-19, Rosemont, IL

  Poster [PDF]> 


Global Presentation

Brent Duncan, Phd presented the Team Hachi Project findings to a global committee of scholars during a dissertation defense on January 26, 2013.

  • Supplemental Materials >
    • Orientation resources, including script and slides
    • Workshop resources for each research cycle, including readings, quizzes, team exercises, slides, and surveys.
    • Data collection instruments
    • Japanese and English versions of most materials
    • Presentation slides

View the presentation slides.

Watch the presentation of "Assessing the viability of team learning with remedial students in a lecture-based Japanese higher education culture"; video with audio and visuals.


These documents are (C) 2020 by Dr. Brent Duncan, all rights reserved. They are provided for information purposes only. For usage information, contact the author through


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