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- Written by Brent Duncan, PhD
Building effective marketing plans requires non-profits to develop clear and compelling marketing goals. One of the most impactful approaches is establishing SMART goals and specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives. By employing SMART goals, non-profits can ensure that their marketing efforts are strategically aligned with their broader mission and deliver tangible and meaningful outcomes.
- Also see: Navigating Non-Profit Marketing
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- Written by Brent Duncan, PhD
Navigating Non-Profit Marketing: Understanding Exchange, Beneficiaries, and Benefactors
A common and significant oversight in non-profit organizations is the blurred understanding of basic marketing concepts, like product, exchange, distinction between benefactor (customer) and beneficiary (mission), and marketing objectives. Without a clear understanding, non-profits risk inefficiencies in resource allocation and engagement. This article will explore essential concepts for setting a foundation for developing marketing programs that generate resources necessary for fulfilling the non-profit mission.
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- Written by Brent Duncan, PhD
Evaluating a company's social media strategy is crucial for digital marketing success. This coaching note provides a detailed look at assessing social media performance across platforms. It focuses on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as engagement rates, content quality, timing, and audience interaction. Companies can optimize their content and engagement strategies by understanding these metrics and platform-specific dynamics. The article offers actionable insights to identify what works, pinpoint areas for improvement, and tailor efforts to better connect with target audiences. This is essential for marketing professionals looking to enhance their social media tactics and digital outreach.
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- Written by Brent Duncan, PhD
Jaguar Motors (2024), a manufacturer of luxury automobiles, recently unveiled a rebranding campaign that offers an opportunity to reflect on the potential benefits and risks that come with moving away from a traditional customer base in an attempt to attract new audiences.