Adult Learning and Development CenterTranscending potential through academic and professional development

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Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov observed that he could cause a dog to salivate by training the dog to associate a ringing bell with food. Pavlov had scientifically demonstrated classical conditioning, which is “a basic form of learning in which a stimulus that usually brings forth a given response is repeatedly paired with a neutral stimulus. Eventually, the neutral stimulus will bring forth the response when presented by itself” [16, p. 33]. American Psychologist John B. Watson used Pavlov’s work on classical conditioning to pioneer a natural science of psychology called behaviorism. Behaviorism became the dominant force in American education in the first half of the 20th century. Despite criticisms, it still plays a role in child development, education, organizational training, and military conditioning.


Student persistence practices

Best practices in supporting student success

Misawa Helps

Misawa Air Base personnel volunteer for Japan's recovery【東日本大震災津波】